Article update: it turns out many people come here hoping to find a solution and are disappointed to find only problems that I encountered.. Sorry, that's too bad. Until someone figures out a way to do it online, your best option is to boot off the Network installation CD (100MB).
On Saturday I upgraded my wife's laptop from openSUSE 11.0 to 11.2 RC. I did it using zypper dup, and there were some problems so here I describe them for the benefit of others who might try the same.
- Edited /etc/zypp/repos.d/* to replace all 11.0 occurences with 11.2. It worked also for Packman and Videolan.
- zypper in zypper offered a suspiciously large update. It turned out it wanted to switch from x86_64 to i586, boo! The fix was zypper in zypper.x86_64\>1
- That did not go well. It installed the new rpm.rpm and then repo2solv failed, terminating the transaction. After that, I had the old libzypp and the new zypper, not working. So I manually downloaded the libraries and installed them using rpm, ignoring the broken dependencies for the yast2-* packages.
- Changed commit.downloadMode to DownloadInHeaps in /etc/zypp/zypp.conf, which exists primarily to avoid the previous problem. But Murphy does know when to strike.
- zypper dup